The Beauty of Channel Letter Signs

channel letter sign company Denver CO

Channel letters are among the most attractive types of signage – the custom-made letters manufactured from metal or plastic can be used outdoors, on the exterior of commercial buildings as well as indoors, to highlight specific areas and to provide information to customers. The beauty of using channel letters lies not only in their aesthetic appeal – they can efficiently fulfill all the roles of signage, including informative, establishing and consolidating brand image. Here are some further benefits of using the solution.


The materials used for the channel of this type of lettering include plastic or metal, usually aluminum because it is rust proof. Whatever material solution is chosen, your channel letters will do your business long-lasting service and will be able to withstand almost any weather, from heat and cold to rain, snow and wind.

Low Maintenance

The materials used for making channel letter signs are all resistant to the elements as well as to impact, they maintain the texture of their surface as well as their color without requiring any special maintenance. Your channel lettering will need some cleaning, ideally done regularly and if you use illuminated signage, your LED lights or neon will need to be replaced eventually, but the types of lights used for channel letters is very long-lived, so you can rely on your lights for thousands of hours of operation.

Energy Efficiency

You can use channel letters without illumination, but for more impact, you can also choose channel letters that are lit with energy-efficient lighting, such as LED lights. The light sources can be installed either to the front of the letters or to the back, behind the letters so that the light that they emit hits the back of the letters and create a halo effect. The LEDs used with channel letters are very efficient and they emit a very bright light, suitable for making your lettering visible even during the day and even when the sun’s rays hit the letters directly. LEDs are also very economical, their low energy needs make sure that your illuminated channel letters will be cheap to operate and friendly on the natural environment as well.

Aesthetic Appeal

According to a sign company Denver CO professional, channel letters are suitable for executing any design; any shape and any color can be used, even textures and special illumination solutions are available. Being custom-made, to the client’s exact specifications, channel letters can feature corporate logos as well as text in a unique, attractive way that grabs attention like no other signage solution. The three-dimensional nature of these signs add even aesthetic appeal and it also multiplies the design solutions that you can use with your channel letter signage, such the combination of various styles for an eclectic and distinctive appearance.

An Efficient, High-Visibility Advertising Tool

Whether you have a small, local shop or you run a franchise business, your channel letter signage will promote your business in a very efficient way. The letters are great for impressing your customers with your professionalism, to inspire trust and to create a lasting memory.